Top 10 Player Advantages with TheTennisOrganizer

Start charting your match statistics & stop making the same, old match mistakes!   Dr. Don Ashburn, TheTennisOrganizer

1. Factual match play summary & statistics that everyone understands easily – even your high school assistant coach.

2. Doesn’t require batteries or a shady spot to use this scorebook.  Never runs out of juice right in the middle of a critical match.

3. Reduced arguments with parents & coaches about what they remember and what actually happened during the match – doesn’t lie!

4. Unnecessary to explain to your pro what happened at the last tournament – just hand them the completed scorebook and let them read about it themselves.

5. More focused and productive training sessions with your pro or coach – it’s almost like they were there at the tournament, but without having to pay them!  (Parents will be so happy!)

6. Scouting Report information that gives you an edge over repeat opponents. You show up with a winning game plan and they don’t… guess who gets schooled!

7. Match play review is immediately available in-between tournament matches to “tweak” things before playing again.

8. Better match outcomes – you know exactly what to do now!

9. becomes a valuable permanent record of match play that can be provided as a supplement for college recruiters. They have a chance to see who and how you played , especially your senior season.

10. Guaranteed full-ride tennis scholarship to the college of your choice! (Well, maybe not guaranteed – but it can certainly make a positive difference!)

Why Use The Tennis Organizer? line of products is designed to guide players, parents, and coaches in managing and recording individual match performance.  With this valuable information,  the Tennis Organizer & Scorebook becomes the preferred method of communication between a player and their professional. is a very powerful analysis tool. When used consistently, a clear picture develops of an individual player’s pattern of play – and that of their opponents as well. has an intuitive scoring system that allows point-by-point match analysis. This detailed information allows pros, coaches & parents to provide more focused and effective instruction. Players are encouraged by their strengths and  areas  needing attention are targeted for concise instruction. The results should be improved tennis skills and greater tournament success!

Want to give your competitive player an advantage?  

Give them TheTennisOrganizer!

    Copyright © 2010-2021 by Donald G. Ashburn, Jr.
All rights reserved

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